
Tommie Everette

Starli McDowell

Dru Harrison

Richard Gardner

Harry Russell

Richard Smith

Millie Langley

Jimmy Flythe

Rob Hawk

Board of Directors

Fenton Eure

Bill Beuttell

Gary Lanier   

Lenny Rogers

Matt Wimberly 

 Bob Watts

Rudy Langley

Meyrissa Schoonmaker

Leanna Staton 

Executive Committee

Jon Mendenhall, President

Russell Blevins, Vice President

James Ferguson, Treasurer

Darin Young, Secretary   

Marshall Stevenson, Special Liaison

Our Team

The NC Resource Conservation and Development Association is managed by the Southwestern North Carolina Resource Conservation & Development Council, a non profit organization serving the seven most western counties in North Carolina and the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians.

Through grants, partnerships and service agreements, the Southwestern North Carolina Resource Conservation & Development Council works on agricultural, forestry and natural resource projects.

The Southwestern North Carolina Resource Conservation & Development Council is an active member of the North Carolina Association of RC&D Councils, the Southeastern Association of RC&D Councils, and holds a Director’s position on the National Association of RC&D Councils.